LEINE LINDE 增量编码器 541637-09 RHI 504
HEIDENHAIN 读数头 1154271-05 AK LIF 47R G8 RN BIS15 17 0,50 TTLx10 250,00 90 OT 9I 01 ein ..
AMO 读数头 WMK 2010S .08RIFA01-20- 512- 0,40-21S17-3M S015-007-83 WMK 2010S .08RIFA01-20- 512- 0,40-21S17-3M S015-007-83
HEIDENHAIN 增量式编码器 534568-2S RIK4-2C 39/3600 CO-RZ
Filtration Group 过滤器 78208126 PI 30016-012
HYDAC CX同轴阀 3825906 CX05M-2/2-D/C-2/32/100/112/ 24V
Power supply unit 24V - For supplying power to the HSCI and other components - 750 W / max. 30 A - 1st output 24 V basic insulation VDE 0550 - 2nd output 24 V double insulation VDE 0551 - Supply voltage 2 x 400 V / dc-link voltage