HEIDENHAIN 电缆 635876-02 Verbindungskabel 2XS037 01 17 2,00 42 .. BK
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 538066-01 RSI 501
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 1366572-52 LS 673C 520 5,0 C001 .. W 9FS09 Fa 6,00 1W TTLx1u 50,00 90 MT 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 数控手册 1079948-R3 MANUALplus 620/548431-04 BH ru ..
HYDAC CX同轴阀 3518994 CX06 -2/2-F/C-2/25/064/112/PV-24V-WS -DR
HEIDENHAIN 旋转编码器 376836-9N ROD 436 720 01 -03 K 5,00 02 73A01C 64 28 .. HT RU HTL 20 01
Adapter cable for different connector connection Cable type: PUR with armor Ø 11.1 mm Cable design: 2x2x0.17 mm²+1x2x0.24 mm² Cable length: 2.00 m Encoder side: Coupling M12 (armored), 14-pin Side of subsequent electronic: Coupling M12, male, 8-pin