HYDAC 液压蓄能器 3431222 SBO160-0,5E1/112U-160AK
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 515402-26 RSI 503
AMO 读数头 LMK 1010S .07RV..25-11- 5,00-51S15-J5 .. -001-83 LMK 1010S .07RV..25-11- 5,00-51S15-J5 .. -001-83
ACU-RITE 增量式直线光栅尺 558081-06 SENC 150 6,0 175 Diff 1 C001 13,0 4,00 2XS09 62 DK 5,0 45 1
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 589220-1D LS 1679 170 10,0 35W 1 16S09 74 01 6,00 5000 90 OT 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 读数头 1035051-02 AK LIP 21 G0 31,2500 RN 93S15 EnDat22 3000,00 21 3,00 F9 01 ..
Technical specifications Connection type HFS HFS connection size 20 Type of bore Through bore d1 30 mm l1 32 mm l2 8 mm l4 17 mm l5 17 mm Tolerance H7 Number of cutting edges (z) 8 Material group O