HEIDENHAIN 电缆 534855-02 APK 03 2M 2,00 02B017 0BB015-B4 BK A015 01 1 .. 0,00
HEIDENHAIN 电缆 1214663-15 Verbindungskabel 95B5+P 1H 88 15,00 05 .. OG
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 822509-03 RSA 506
HEIDENHAIN 读数头 1144048-11 AK ERM 2480 1200 01 -03 R 1,00 01 17 67 01 .. .. RA ~1Vss 07 6 .. SD
HEIDENHAIN 按键 679843-01 Key chip transport back GY BK ABS
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 392904-29 RSI 503
Technical specifications Connection type Cylindrical shank Type of bore Through bore d1 22 mm d3 20 mm l1 200 mm l2 12 mm l3 50 mm l4 140 mm Tolerance H7 Cutting material CU111 Number of cutting edges (z) 6 Material group TF