HYDAC 液压蓄能器 2107963 SBO450P-0,6A6/344U-250AI
RSF Elektronik 光栅尺 512217-19 MSA373-0 P
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 537838-13 RSI 505
HYDAC 滤芯 1310999 0090 R 010 ON /-B6
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 315418-16 LB 382C 640 5,0 C002 .. S 52S12 .. 0,00 ~1Vss 39 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 电缆 558714-02 APK 02 05 2,00 0TB014 16B015-7T BK .. 01 1 .. 0,00
Technical specifications Connection type Cylindrical shank Type of bore Through bore d1 18 mm d3 16 mm l1 100 mm l2 12 mm l3 48 mm l4 50 mm Tolerance H7 Cutting material CU111 Number of cutting edges (z) 6 Material group TF