MAPAL 铣削 31154708 OptiMill®-3D-CR-Hardened
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 734741-01 RSI 504
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 572250-36 LS 487 470 5,0 R35 R35 B 09A 4ZS14 ~1Vss 2F 01 AE2
NUMERIK JENA 增量式编码器 531093-7S KitR 412C64/2048 L62-RA
AMO 钢带 LMTA4010C 10- 1900-MF-LT01-.. -001-83 LMTA4010C 10- 1900-MF-LT01-.. -001-83
AMO 读数头 WMKA2010S .1610..NN-20- 256- 1,00-01 -C4 .. -001-83 WMKA2010S .1610..NN-20- 256- 1,00-01 -C4 .. -001-83
Technical specifications Connection type ZYL99 Type of bore Through & blind bore d1 1.2 mm d3 3 mm l1 50 mm l2 9 mm l4 0 mm l5 17.5 mm Tolerance H7 Cutting material HU613 Number of cutting edges (z) 3 Material group X4