HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 329991-48 LS 486C 420 3,0 C001 .. B 66S12 .. 0,00 ~1Vss 39 01 ..
MAPAL 钻头 30488240 MEGA-Speed-Drill-Inox
AMO 钢带 LMTA4010D 10- 3000-MF-LT01-.. -001-83 LMTA4010D 10- 3000-MF-LT01-.. -001-83
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 1198316-04 LC 281 1040 5,0 EnDat02 .. 10,0000 N 0MS14-LZ .. 1Vss 01 .. AE 1
HEIDENHAIN 读数头 637780-40 AE LS 476 20,000 RW 66S12 .. 0,00TTLx5 100,00 270 MT 2F 01 VE01 ..
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 626473-02 RSI 505
Inside diameter: 80 mm Module: Module 0.5 Reference mark: with reference mark tooth, position: congruent with one tooth Number of teeth: 256 teeth