HYDAC 滤芯 1251443 0140 D 010 ON /-V
RSF Elektronik 光栅尺 1333497-09 MSA770
AMO 读数头 LMK 1010S .08RIFA01-11- 3,00-51S15-J5 .. -001-83 LMK 1010S .08RIFA01-11- 3,00-51S15-J5 .. -001-83
RSF Elektronik 光栅尺 389690-51 MSA 170.03 grating pitch 20 µm accuracy ±10 µm/m
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 329988-0G LS 476 370 5,0 R35 R35 M 66S12 .. 0,00 TTLx10 25,00 90 OT 38 01..
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 392911-31 RHI 503
Inside diameter: 55 mm Module: Module 0.3 Reference mark: with reference mark tooth, position: congruent with one tooth Number of teeth: 256 teeth