AMO 读数头 WMK 2010S .08RI..04-20- 720- 1,00-03S12-UJ .. -001-83 WMK 2010S .08RI..04-20- 720- 1,00-03S12-UJ .. -001-83
HEIDENHAIN 旋转编码器 376836-0Z ROD 436 4500 01 -03 K 1,00 02 73A01C 64 01 .. HT RV HTLx2 20 01
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 1224479-01 RHA 507
HEIDENHAIN 旋转编码器 376836-15 ROD 436 1000 27S12-03 A 0,00 .. 73A01C 64 01 .. HT RV HTL 20 01
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 507566-11 RSI 503
AMO 读数头 WMKA2010HA.0114FSNN-52- 1088- 3,00-1SS08-C4 .. -001-83 WMKA2010HA.0114FSNN-52- 1088- 3,00-1SS08-C4 .. -001-83
Inside diameter: 20 mm Module: Module 0.4 Reference mark: with reference mark tooth, position: congruent with one tooth Number of teeth: 128 teeth