HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 572248-27 LS 487C 670 5,0 C001 .. B 09A 4ZS14 ~1Vss 2F 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 电缆 1214270-20 Leistungskabel .. 535737-01 200,00 2Y 5G OG 2 01 0008 ..
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 1303842-09 XHD 865
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺体组件 315422-AT Parts kit LB 302C 33600 40 5,0 S CD S10 C002 40,000 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 1198317-08 LC 291F 1840 5,0 Fanuc05 .. 12,5000 N 0MS14-LY .. .. 01 .. AE 1
HEIDENHAIN 编码器 1109258-54 EQN 425 512 03S17-58 K 5,00 02 68A14 64 01 .. .. D EnDat01 37 01 ..
AK ECM 2410 Scanning head for absolute angle encoder with magnetoresistive scanning Drum outside diameter: 341.99 mm Positions per revolution: 33554432 (25 bit) Interface: EnDat 2.2 Ordering designation: EnDat22 Connecting direction: Cable outlet tangential (right) Power supply: 3.6 V ... 14 V Electrical connection: Coupling M12, male, 8-pin Pin configuration: D532351 Cable length: 1.00 m Cable type: PUR Ø 4.5 mm Degree of protection: IP67 (EN60529) Safety concept: Functional safety