HEIDENHAIN 旋转编码器 534920-58 ERN 1185 2048 69S14-70 K 0,00 .. 27E.. 40 09 0021 .. RA ~1Vss 05 01
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 535425-24 RHI 503
HBM 压电测量链 1-CPS/100KN 1-CPS/100KN
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 533961-01 RSI 505
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 605352-37 LS 177 1140 3,0 ML/2 .. I 4ZS14 TTLx20 50,00 90 MT 2F 01 ..
MAPAL 刀柄 30380923 Thermo Chuck MTC, Standard MQL 1-Channel
LC 291F Absolute sealed linear encoder with full-size scale housing (single-section, complete encoder with selectable thermal fixed point) Measuring length: 3240 mm Accuracy grade: 5.0 µm Grating period: 40.000 µm Measuring step 1: 12.5000 nm Measuring step 2: 50.0000 nm Fastening type: Standard Data interface: Fanuc05 Serial interface FANUC ALPHA/ALPHAi Power supply: 3.6 V ... 14 V Electrical connection: Flange socket, male, 14-pin Special characteristics, linear encoder: none