LEINE LINDE 状态监测编码器 1342066-03 8500b9456
MAPAL 钻头 31196666 Tritan-Drill-Reamer
AMO 读数头 WMK 2030S .08RI..04-20- 900- 3,00-03S12-UJ .. -001-83 WMK 2030S .08RI..04-20- 900- 3,00-03S12-UJ .. -001-83
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 572249-27 LS 487C 670 5,0 C001 .. B 10A 4ZS14 ~1Vss 2F 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 读数头 1144048-42 AK ERM 2480 600 03S12-03 R 1,00 01 17 67 01 .. .. RA ~1Vss 07 3 .. SD
HEIDENHAIN 电机 339882-6B QSY 155F 5,43 26,10 12,8 397 3000 MP EQN 1325 SA 5 EcoDyn
LC 281 Absolute sealed linear encoder with full-size scale housing (single-section, complete encoder with selectable thermal fixed point) Measuring length: 3840 mm Accuracy grade: 5.0 µm Grating period: 40.000 µm Measuring step 1: 10.0000 nm Fastening type: Standard Data interface: EnDat02 Synchronous serial EnDat 2.2 with incremental signals Power supply: 3.6 V ... 14 V Electrical connection: Flange socket, male, 14-pin Special characteristics, linear encoder: none