HEIDENHAIN 用户手册 1096883-Z3 TNC 620 (81760x-04) BH zh-CN ..
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 589221-79 LS 1679 470 10,0 35W 1 02S12 03 01 3,00 1000 90 OT 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 1139482-16 LC 495P 1020 5,0 Pana01 .. 10,00 12A 0MS14-LY .. .. 01 .. AE 1
AMO 读数头 WMK 2010S .08RIFA01-20- 256- 2,00-03S12-UJ .. -001-83 WMK 2010S .08RIFA01-20- 256- 2,00-03S12-UJ .. -001-83
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺体 316531-85 Scale tape LB 302C 7640 40,000 ST 1 4444 4444
HEIDENHAIN 电机 389053-6C QSY 130C 1,47 6,00 3,00 411 3000 OP EQN 1325 .. 5 EcoDyn
HBM force transducer, nominal force 20kN strain gauge measuring system for tensile and compressive loading made from stainless materials, integrated lateral force compensation accuracy class 0.2 fixed 6-wire connection cable 3 m long with free ends