LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 507670-07 RSI 503
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 605368-07 LS 477C 320 5,0 C001 .. 10A 4ZS14 TTLx10 50,00 90 OT 2F 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 电缆 818782-10 Leistungskabel 07 348949-06 10,00 40 97 BK 0 01 0008 ..
HEIDENHAIN 电机 344512-43 QSY 96A 0,45 1,50 1,50 308 4500 OP EQN 1337 .. 5 ..
MAPAL 刀柄 30819444 High Torque Chuck HTC, 3° slim design
HYDAC CX同轴阀 3438996 CX07 -2/2-F/C-2/15/120/034
HBM force transducer, nominal force 1kN strain gauge measuring system for tensile and compressive loading made from stainless materials, integrated lateral force compensation accuracy class 0.2 fixed 6-wire connection cable 3 m long with free ends