HYDAC CX同轴阀 3577951 CX04 -2/2-D/C-2/32/064/100/ 24V
AMO 读数头 LMKA2010S .1910..25-20- 1,00-5WS17-1f .. -001-83 LMKA2010S .1910..25-20- 1,00-5WS17-1f .. -001-83
MAPAL 刀柄 30251139 Tool extension for thermal expanding chucks
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 1226692-01 RSA 506
AMO 读数头 WMK 1010S .08RI..32-1S- 512- 3,00-27S12-UJ S020-001-55 WMK 1010S .08RI..32-1S- 512- 3,00-27S12-UJ S020-001-55
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 557660-51 LC 183 3040 5,0 EnDat02 100 D I 0MS14 .. ~1Vss 7C 01 AE2 25 ..
HBM force transducer, nominal force 0.5kN strain gauge measuring system for tensile and compressive loading made from stainless materials, integrated lateral force compensation accuracy class 0.2 fixed 6-wire connection cable 3 m long with free ends