HEIDENHAIN 读数头 393000-0B AK ERM 280 1400 03S12-03 R 3,00 01 05 67 01 .. .. RA ~1Vss 07 6 ..
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 1447632-01 XSI 850
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 750724-07 XHI 861
HBM 力传感器 1-U9C/200N 1-U9C/200N
HEIDENHAIN 测头 738283-14 TS 260 S51 3YS08 FA 0,00 .. TK06 0008 10-30 HTL
RSF Elektronik 角度编码器 1283456-04 AK MCS15
LC 211 Absolute sealed linear encoder with full-size scale housing (single-section, complete encoder with selectable thermal fixed point) Measuring length: 3840 mm Accuracy grade: 5.0 µm Grating period: 40.000 µm Measuring step 1: 10.0000 nm Fastening type: Standard Data interface: EnDat22 Synchronous serial EnDat 2.2 without incremental signals Power supply: 3.6 V ... 14 V Electrical connection: Flange socket, male, 14-pin Special characteristics, linear encoder: none