HYDAC CX同轴阀 3606561 CX03 -3/2-D/C-2/10/040/012/127V
HBM 力传感器 1-KD/2MN 1-KD/2MN
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 605371-95 LS 477C 1140 5,0 C001 .. 09A 4ZS14 TTLx10 50,00 90 OT 2F 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 旋转编码器 376834-73 ROD 430 720 27S12-03 R 0,00 .. 01J03B 64 01 .. HT RV HTL 20 01
LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 514510-49 RSI 503
AMO 增量式直线测量钢珊尺 LMB 1010B 5- 2400-MF-LB01-R50 -.. -001-83 LMB 1010B 5- 2400-MF-LB01-R50 -.. -001-83
EPCOS 83A Interference suppression filte For use with HEIDENHAIN inverter systems in machine tools For suppress conducted interference and ensure EMC-compatible energy recovery Rated voltage: 3x480V Rated current: 3x83A Rated frequency: 50/60 Hz