HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺体 316531-49 Scale tape LB 302C 4040 40,000 ST 1 4444 4444
HEIDENHAIN 电缆 575796-06 Verbindungskabel 61B5+P 1H 2Y 6,00 05 .. OG
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺体组件 315422-D8 Parts kit LB 302C 29840 5,0 N CD S10 C002 40,000 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 旋转编码器 1081304-02 ROQ437F 2048 5XS08-C4 R 0,00 .. 01J39A 64 01 .. .. D Fanuc06 37 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺体组件 674049-12 Teilesatz LIC 4005 740 S10 5,0 40,000 PA 01 V150
HEIDENHAIN 电机 392025-1D QSY 190K 12,20 62,50 29,8 399 3000 OP ERN 1387 SA 5 EcoDyn
MT 60K Incremental length gauge HEIDENHAIN-METRO Plunger actuation: Extended by gravity Measuring length: 60 mm Reference mark position:30 mm Accuracy grade: 0.5 µm Electrical connection: D-sub connector, 2-row, with locking screws, male, 15-pin Pin configuration: D330979 Cable type: PUR Ø 4.5 mm Cable length: 1.50 Output signal: sinusoidal current signals (11 µApp) Grating period: 10.000 µm Power supply: 5V+-5% Degree of protection: IP50 (EN60529) Operating temperature: +10/+40 °C