LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 516210-37 RHI 503
HEIDENHAIN 旋转编码器 376846-0X ROD 426 4096 02S12-03 K 1,00 02 73A01C 64 01 .. MT RV TTL 07 01
HEIDENHAIN 电缆 816675-01 APK 2D A8 1,00 0SB014 1SS008-TV BK .. 01 1 .. 0,00
HEIDENHAIN 软件 340442-20 RemoTools SDK 2.0 de/en
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 635328-32 LF 485 700 5,0 R25 R25 M 4ZS14 .. 0,00 ~1Vss 2F 01 .. S10 4,000
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 605351-61 LS 177 1240 3,0 ML/2 .. I 4ZS14 TTLx5 50,00 270 OT 2F 01 ..
MT 2587 Incremental length gauge HEIDENHAIN-METRO Plunger actuation: Extended with compressed air Measuring length: 25 mm Type of guide: ball guide Reference mark position:1.7 mm Accuracy grade: 0.2 µm Electrical connection: Connector M23, male, 12-pin Pin configuration: D294999 Cable type: PUR Ø 4.5 mm Cable length: 1.50 m Output signal: sinusoidal voltage signals (1 Vpp) Grating period: 4.000 µm Power supply: 5V+-5% Degree of protection: IP64 (EN60529) Operating temperature: +10/+40 °C