LEINE LINDE 增量式编码器 750883-04 XHI 861
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺体组件 748880-39 Parts kit LC 201 10840 5,0 N S10 40,000 01 .. ..
HEIDENHAIN 光栅尺 605354-16 LS 177C 440 5,0 C001 .. I 4ZS14 TTLx5 50,00 90 OT 2F 01 ..
HEIDENHAIN 电缆 296467-05 Verbindungskabel 02B5+7 02S5+7 11 5,00 03 .. BK
HEIDENHAIN 手轮 271958-01 Adapterstecker .. 02B012 .. .. .. .. ..
Force washer Nominal force: 200KN Measuring washer with strain gauge measurement system Degree of protection IP 68 Stainless steel version incl. two hardened washers Length of cable: 1.5m with free ends